Let’s talk about food again…

Sadhguru talks about food a lot… How to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, what to eat… As someone who always had an unhealthy relationship with food I read and listened to everything he said. And there is a lot.

Some of the aspects of this necessary part of our lives, were more difficult than others to stomach. I am already vegan and I try to eat 50% of raw foods in every of my meals. Fruits are easy and plenty here in Taiwan.

But cooking the meal and having it within 1.5 hours after cooking? Only eating locally sourced food, no chocolate… some of these rules are just too much. How can anyone with a busy life, job and kids afford such luxury of time to cook 2 wholesome meals a day?

While I try with all the other aspects, this is something I have been struggling with.

On the other hand while at the Ashram I felt amazing. The food there was fresh, local and always delicious. The kitchen or ‘Akshaya’ follows all the rules by Sadhguru.

On one occasion of Thanksgiving the Hatha School was allowed to cook and serve the dinner. It was my dream to work in the kitchen and see how all the dishes are cooked. But what I experienced exceeded my expectations. The atmosphere in that place is of total offering and devotion.

The food is handled with care and attention it deserves and prepared while listening and chanting Brahmanandaswaroopa.

Before having the meals there is always a chant. The volunteers serve you with so much reverence and attention. I remember being one of them. Before serving the food we were told to imagine that every person we serve is Sadhguru himself.

It is the whole approach to the food and way of having meals at the Ashram that makes that huge difference. Going to the Ashram just to experience the food is worth every penny, double quarantine and 10 hours layover in Bangalore city. Even a few days there will leave you feeling blissful and healthy.

So there is no more sitting on the couch and eating with the TV for me. I just sit quietly on the floor. Look at the food, do the chant and slowly eat my brunch or dinner.

Paying attention to what and how I eat makes me more aware of the whole process of some other being becoming me. Sadhguru said once that there is so much intelligence in the simple act of a piece of fruit becoming a human. It was difficult for me to look at it that way. Food was just food. You eat it and that’s that. Whatever happens after it gets to my stomach is not my concern…

But think about it! It is!


Training to be a Hatha Yogi


Hours of Sadhana a day…