Graduate Class of 2021

Classical Hatha Yoga from Isha Foundation

Yoga is not about twisting your body into impossible postures or standing on your head. The word Yoga means ‘union’. The ultimate goal of every Yogi is to achieve a true union with the nature, the elements and the universe. By practicing this ancient science of aligning the inner system with the celestial geometry, one can experience not only the physical benefits of yoga but also explore the deep spiritual dimension.


Isha Foundation

Established by Sadhguru - yogi, mystic and a visionary, Isha is a non-profit public service organization located at the feet of the beautiful Velliangiri Mountains, about 1 hour drive from Coimbatore city, Tamil Nadu India.

The Ashram consists of two temples with consecrated ‘Lingas’ the ‘Dhyanalinga’ and ‘Linga Bhairavi’. It is best to visit the temples after a dip in the energized bodies of water - the ‘Kunds’. There is also a number of practice halls, the ‘Biksha Hall’ for dining, kitchens and accommodations housing about 3000 of residents and visitors on average.

Isha Foundation runs a number of projects in Tamil Nadu and India, like the Project Green Hands, Rally for Rivers, Isha Vidhya and many more. With those programs Sadhguru is tackling pressing social and environmental issues.

The consecrated temple spaces, the Kunds and the grounds around them, create such conducive atmosphere that one becomes naturally meditative. The inner spiritual exploration is further supported by healthy, vegan and pranic meals, especially designed by Sadhguru. To further explore the tremendous benefits of the Ashram a number of residential programs for Hatha Yoga and meditation is offered.

It is truly a magical place where you always want to go back. All the aspects of the Ashram are design to support spiritual seekers in their journey of inner exploration. It is a place you must visit and experience if you are focused on your spiritual growth.


About me

To be a Hatha Yogi

Agni means ‘fire’ in Sanskrit and Hindi, and it is also the first four letters of my name…

For almost twenty years of practicing different types of yoga, I had no idea what true yoga is, until I ‘met’ Sadhguru.

My journey with Isha started, when my sister told me to watch a video on YouTube. I looked at the thumbnail and dismissed it straight away - a strange looking man with beard and a turban… surely he has nothing for me. After that Sadhguru’s videos kept popping up on my feed. One of the titles caught my eye and I finally watched it.

In that video Sadhguru says that ‘if you worry about the past, you live in constant regret, and if you worry about the future you live in constant anxiety’. His words hit me very hard as it was me all over!

After that one video I explored everything out there by Sadhguru. I always tried to find a flaw or inconsistency in his logic and I could not.

I was always drawn to meditation and yoga, and so I took the first step towards Isha with the Inner Engineering Program. In June 2019 I jumped on a plane and went to Singapore. Four days later I came back a different person.

Daily practices and learning more hatha yoga, especially the Surya Kriya made me calm and composed. I would normally fidget, stop one task in the middle and start another, constantly touch my hair and face, eat when I was upset or nervous. All these compulsions were significantly dialed down and I just became still. That stillness allows me to respond consciously to my environment rather than compulsively react and then regret it.

The decision to link my life with Isha and become a yoga teacher came naturally.

After 6 months and almost 2000 hours of intensive training I graduated from the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in December 2021. I am now back to Taiwan to offer this amazing tool for transformation to everyone. I want all my students to experience the true yoga and derive all the benefits. Not only the physical and mental but also the spiritual! I hope the practice of Hatha Yoga can have the same profound impact on other people’s lives as it had on mine.


“Every particle of your body is communicating with the entire cosmos. Yoga is about experiencing that.”

— Sadhguru