Upa Yoga

It is a set of simple yet very powerful practices. Slow and steady pace of the exercises is suitable for all age groups, even the children as young as 4 years. Best practiced in the morning, it leaves the body feeling refreshed and ready for action.

It is also a preparation for more vigorous activity or sitting down for extended periods of time for meditation.

  • For those often tired and stressed

  • To strengthen the body

  • To overcome jet lag and effects of long travel

Total learning time: 3.5 hours

Daily practice time: 25-40 minutes

Class fee: 6 000 NTD

Surya Kriya

Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity. A holistic process for health wellness and complete inner wellbeing. There are countless benefits to Surya Kriya. Regular practice will lead to stability of the body and stillness of the mind.

Surya Kriya consists of twenty one steps, which activate anahata, upper part of the spine and the brain. It is a slow pace practice with much attention to the breath and inner focus, performed fully with eyes closed.

Surya Kriya is a strongly spiritual practice to explore higher dimensions of life.

  • Develops mental clarity

  • Balances the hormonal levels

  • Prepares for deeper meditation

Total learning time: min 6 hours

Daily practice time: 40 minutes (including the preparation)

Class fee: 8 000 NTD


Asana means a posture. Whatever posture the body can take it will be an asana. So a yogasana means a yogic posture. Out of the innumerable asanas 84 of them have been identified as Yogasanas. By forming the body into an asana one can shift into a different dimention of awarenes.

Yogasana series is performed by holding each asana for as long as possible and each asana should be held for an equal amount of time.

  • Slows down the aging process

  • Stabilized body, mind and energy system

  • Relieves chronic conditions

Total learning time: 12 hours

Daily practice time: min 1 hour

Class fee: 10 000 NTD


Angamardana is a system rooted in yoga.

Angamardana is a perfect practice for gym goers. Fast paced and performed with open eyes it resembles an intensive cardio workout.

It engages all muscle groups and parts of the body and should be done at the maximum speed possible. It also stretches the normally unused muscles reversing the aging and muscle shortening process.

It’s a dynamic and short practice but it still involves meditation aspects. Angamardana is a perfect answer to the busy lifestyle, where you want to incorporate a full body workout and spiritual practice in a single session.

  • Strenghtens the spine, skeletal and muscle systems

  • Builds physical fitnes

  • Prepares the body for Hatha Yoga

Total learning time: 10.5 hours

Daily practice time: 15-30 minutes

Class fee: 10 000 NTD

Bhuta Shuddhi

Bhuta means the elements, shuddhi means to cleanse. The whole creation, including the physical body is the five elements: earth, water, fire, wind and space.

Purification of the five elements within the human system, prepares the body and mind to become a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate wellbeing.

This ancient yogic practice with all its benefits, is now available for everyone, without the need of intense sadhana.

  • Keeps the system in harmony and balance

  • Enhances the capability of body, mind and energy system

  • Prepares the system to handle powerful states of energy

Total learning time: 1.5 hours

Daily practice time: 10 minutes

Class fee: 10 000 NTD (includes the kit)

Stand alone practices

This practices are taught in less time and don’t have to be performed with other modules.

  1. Thoppukarnam - short, revitalizing practice to boost productivity.

Total learning time: 0.5 hours

Daily practice time: 5 minutes

Class fee: 2 000 NTD

  1. Yoga namaskar - to activate and strengthen the spine.

Total learning time: 0.5 hours

Daily practice time: 10 minutes or longer, number of cycles can be increased

Class fee: 2 000 NTD

  1. Balancing Module - Nadi Vibhajan + Pranayam + AUM chanting.

Total learning time: 1.5 hours

Daily practice time: 20 - 30 minutes

Class fee: 4 000 NTD

Online courses

Online courses are based on the International Day of Yoga videos available on YouTube. They can be used as instructional videos and learned in any sequence and practiced daily on your own.

Those who like to have a live teacher and planned schedule can join an online guided series of 5 or 7 days of practice.

Session time: 6am GMT + 8 (Taiwan)

Session duration: 1 hour

Program fees:

5 days program 1 000 NTD

7 days program 1 200 NTD

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