Flexibility day to day.

Whenever I teach Angamardana I make sure to convey the precautions to my students as clearly as possible. There is this one sentence about the flexibility and how it changes day to day so not to compare.

In my case it’s not just the flexibility but also strength and the level of pain. Even after months of practicing Yogasanas the 90 seconds of Naukasana are excruciating.

I am not in the best of moods today. I started early as the weather in Taiwan is getting hotter and it’s best to finish your sadhana as early as possible, before the scorching sun burs a hole in my head. My expectations for today’s practice were very low already. I took ages to finish Angamardana and took a long break before my one cycle of Surya Kriya.

When I go to the Yogasanas somehow I felt amazingly light and strong. My leg muscles were tight and there was no pain! What made such a huge difference for me today? Maybe because it’s Ekadashi, or maybe the Angamardana warmed me up enough? It doesn’t matter. What is important is that I also have to remember all the things I tell my students.

The flexibility of your body will change from day to day. There will be times when you just hate the whole process and other days you will breeze through it. It depends on so many factors that there is no point in comparing especially to others.

In the quiet of your own space the practice can be transformative no matter how it feels. Today was a challenging day but I am so glad I took my time to do all the practices back to back. It was wonderful to feel the stretch and how my knees finally touched the ground in Karna Pitasna… after weeks of not being able to do that.

My lousy day just became so much brighter.


My favorite quote from Sadhguru.


How Bhava Spandana was the most important decision of my life.