How Bhava Spandana was the most important decision of my life.
There are a couple of advanced residential programs you can take at the Isha Center in Coimbatore. One of them is Bhava Spandana also called BSP for short.
It was no brainer for me to attend anything and everything while I was at the Isha Center. So obviously when the opportunity presented itself I applied for the BSP. Busy with the schedule and training I maybe hesitated for 20 seconds until I heard one of my batch mates tell me that doing BSP was the most important decision of her life…
It was probably the most important decision of my life too.
As I cannot reveal anything about the program itself, what I really want to share is how it changed my life.
So the program started on Friday and ended Sunday evening, and like everything at Isha of course it had to be very intensive. Probably the most intensive event of my life.
On Sunday night the world was a different place for me. No more hang ups, no regrets or past. The first thing I did was to call my boss and quit my job… I know, cliché! But I really did that.
Before going to India my boss told me to just do my own thing for those 6 months and come back to work in January. I was secretly relieved he let me take this time of and I still get to keep my job. Nice and comforting cushion to land on in case things go wrong. ‘I’ll go to India, take a break from this tiring life, recharge batteries and come back to my old life…”
What really happened was; I changed so much and realized how short and fragile life is, that I quit my job and decided to become a yoga teacher. Basically starting from scratch…
My time here is so limited and so precious that it’s a crime to waste it. I don’t talk about and don’t dwell on my past anymore - because it doesn’t exist! And no boss or company will ever pay me what my time is worth - and every moment is worth a little piece of gold. So I must do things with it that are meaningful to me.
It took so much for me to come to this realization. I know there are people out there who come to this conclusion on their own, and I really admire them. But for me it took a tremendous amount of crying and emotional torture.
And what my boss replied to my sudden resignation? - ‘I totally understand’. Never think the world will not function without you…