My favorite quote from Sadhguru.

So it was summer 2019 when I went to Singapore for the Inner Engineering intensive 4 days program. I only knew Sadhguru from YouTube and I new very little about Isha at that time.

There were few places I could do IE; Hong Kong, Singapore or India. I chose Singapore as the dates were coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival here in Taiwan. I had a long weekend and so I dragged my reluctant partner to Singapore, promising him there will be time for sightseeing…. There was not.

The IE was a turning point in my life. I actually don’t remember that much from it. Some of the sessions were so long, especially that one after lunch. I probably slept a few times, despite the volunteers waking us up all the time…

On one point I was really tired of Sadhguru asking if I’m responsible or not…? Yes, I’m responsible ok?! So many aspects of IE were completely lost on me that first time. (Now I do IE crush course every morning and it’s in my blood.)

But one sentence stayed in my head and it will stay with me for ever. In one of the videos Sadhguru said: “ if you always worry about the past you live in constant regret, if you worry about the future you live in constant anxiety.” There is only here and now, this moment is inevitable.

Those words were so true. It was me all over. I would always dwell on what’s long past. What if? Why I did or didn’t… and on and on.

Why would I do that to myself? The past doesn’t exist anymore. There is nothing you can do with it or about it. Just let it be where it belongs; in the past!

As for the future - you are the maker of your own destiny. You can design it, you can shape it, and you have influence on what can happen. The world is yours.


Flexibility day to day.