Too much logic?

I am always the first one to come up with the ‘why’ questions. Fortunately only in my head, as asking a question in front of 240 other trainees is not my forte. Well, that was not a problem as there was always someone else who unlike me, did like the microphone and had exactly the same questions.

Always the sceptical scientist questioning the logic of every statement, I would mull over in my head: why no water during practice? Why hills together or big toes touching? Why 3-5-7? What is subtle body made of? Can I talk to it?

Strangely enough I never had those questions in other yoga classes. So why now? Maybe I felt like finally, there are some sensible looking people who can answer them?

While most of the questions are answered, the answer will not always settle you 100%. The deep aspects of Hatha Yoga are not yet in your experience and might not be for a long time. But it’s a possibility. It is such a subtle and internal process that you need to really pay attention to notice things happening within you.

The practices are designed by Sadhguru in such a way to take advantage of the ancient yogic science. It is best to be receptive and concentrated on the practice and not to imagine that something might be happening. Once the imagination is running wild you might actually miss the real thing! Never imagine anything, never listen to other people’s imagination or share your imagining for that matter.

Those were some important rules to remember.

So, can I just accept what is said at face value? Go against my own logical brain? What about all that education I received? The need for facts, figures and proof? Well… I gave myself a chance and left it behind for those 6 months of the training. And I have never felt more liberated.

You can never explain everything in the Universe, so why would you get hang up on it? There is no need to apply logic to everything. Let’s look at a leaf - it’s green. Why is it green? Well chlorophyll and all that. Right? Yes, but why is the chlorophyll green …? You can always arrive at the unanswerable question in everything.

Maybe I can just look at the leaf and think it’s beautiful ?


Let’s talk about food.


Packing for the Ashram.