Eyes closed…

I am reminded once again to keep my eyes closed. The teacher looks exasperated, but I can just hear the beeping of the cooler, which I didn’t add enough water to, which was my responsibility, which now is beeping and is probably going to explode and we’re all going to die! Which will be my fault…

There was always a reason to open the eyes - sounds, wind, crooked mat, uncomfortable clothes, something biting me. Anything and everything would distract me from keeping my eyes closed. I think this instruction was repeated a hundred times before I actually got it.

It was one noon session, when the teacher said: ‘Don’t you all feel now, like you don’t want to open your eyes anymore even after the practice is over?’ My reaction was: Hah? Why? What if I miss something important?

What I was really missing was the very point of the practice!

If you keep your eyes open, you will never be able to internalize the process. The instructions are very clear: ‘be focused on the breath… conscious of the subtle body, notice all the sensations…’ well now I know why I didn’t notice any sensations!

It took me the longest time to understand that this is real yoga - not focused on the physical but the internal aspect.

Just be with yourself and the practice. Ignore all that is outside around you and notice all the internal sensations. I promise, a whole new world will open up for you!


Packing for the Ashram.


Is this even yoga?