Hatha Yoga Teacher Certified by Isha Foundation


Upa Yoga

Upa Yoga

Upa Yoga activates the energy flowing within the human system. It is a perfect way to start your day, as it brings ease and flexibility to your joints and muscles and relieves physical stress and tiredness.


Holding each asana for a certain time is a spiritual experience on a whole different level. It allows a glimpse on the dimension beyond the physical body and mind, by elevating one’s consciousness.

Surya Kriya

‘Surya’ means ‘Sun’ and ‘Kriya’ means ‘inner energy process’. This comprehensive spiritual practice raises the samat prana or solar heat in the system to give your mind the clarity and focus needed to tackle the fast pace of today’s world.


This dynamic set of postures is not just a simple cardio exercise. It combines the physical and holistic aspects to revitalize the body on all levels, including the basic energy system. Ideal practice for those who like fast pace activities that can be done with no equipment.


Yoga is not about bending and twisting your body or holding your breath. It is a mechanism and a technology to get you to that state of experience where you see reality just the way it is.



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